May 6, 2021 | 1:00-3:00pm
“Policing Reform and Public Health”
Racial inequities in policing are well documented. Recent events have led to increased media attention. Men of color – particularly Black and Native American men are much more likely to have fatal encounters with police than white men. Members of other marginalized communities including Black women, members of LGBTQ+ communities, people with mental health or substance use disorders, and individuals with developmental disabilities are also at increased risk of experiencing negative police encounters and can suffer emotional, mental, and physical harm as a result of those interactions. Numerous health profession organizations have renewed declarations that police violence is a public health issue. What is the origin of our current system of policing in the United States? Why is policing reform important now? What is the impact of inequitable policing on Black and Indigenous People of Color (BiPOC) and other vulnerable communities?
Please join us for this important discussion on how health professionals and community leaders can support patients and community policing reform efforts.
More information can be found here