5th Annual Leadership Retreat
“Re-charge, re-imagine, & re-engage!”
Atlanta, Georgia
March 25-27, 2022

2022, marks the Reede Scholars 5th Annual Leadership Retreat! We have accomplished much since 2018. Our 2022 theme, “Re-charge, re-imagine, & re-engage,” is designed with you in mind! We added an Opening Session* to get charged up for a new normal-focused on Provider well-being, and strategies for healthcare leaders to combat the many stresses brought on by the pandemic. Participants will reimagine Reede Scholars considering the tremendous progress our organization has achieved. And lastly, engaging in our first person-to-person meeting with ALL EXPENSES (flight, lodging, meals) compliments of Reede Scholars!
Join us! All Reede Scholars are encouraged to attend!
Deadline FEBRUARY 25, 2022

*Approved for 4.0 hours CME
**All meals will be in hotel restaurant.

2022, mark’s the Reede Scholars 5th Annual Leadership Retreat! We have accomplished much since 2018. The 2022, theme is: “Re-charge, re-imagine, and re-engage”! Instead of the usual one & a half days, we are planning 2 days – a half day on Friday, full day on Saturday and half day on Sunday. In addition to hotel and meals normally covered, we plan to provide airfare, as well for all attendees.
Much thought has gone into creating a truly meaningful event, with value for the mind, body and soul. As the world struggles to recover from a global pandemic unlike any crisis we have ever seen, it is paramount that we address the stress created for healthcare teams and our Reede Scholars family. The March meeting will allow in-person gathering for the first time in two years. The fifth anniversary is an ideal time to destress, celebrate accomplishments, and recommit to our goals and objectives. The agenda is designed with an introduction session on provider wellness and resilience which will include identifying and dealing with stress, stress management, burnout, and self-care; a strategic plan metrics assessment session to inform decision-making for the next five years; and most importantly, a blend of work, play, reunion, and fellowship.
In 2017, we recognized the need for an expanded business meeting to develop an organizational strategic agenda, ideally, a five - ten-year plan. The idea grew, culminating in the first Reede Scholars Annual Leadership Retreat, in 2018, held in Atlanta, Georgia. Scholars came together, at their personal expense, to review our: 1) the organizational governance; 2) mission and goals; and 3) to develop a comprehensive organizational strategic agenda. Our intent then and now, is to explore ways the organization can be more responsive to member needs, enhance our brand and national position, and ameliorate our collective strengths to achieve health equity.
We performed an environmental scan to help guide the strategic planning process. This pre-retreat survey identified our top strengths as: a) being a very diverse group, b) having a depth of collective and individual intellectual capital, c) a shared experience, d) a family, e) a networking body, and f) a commitment to vulnerable populations with the unique ability to see injustices through a common lens.
The major concerns expressed via the environmental scan included: a) the lack of alumni participation and engagement; b) the need to support those who see a need for the Reede Scholars; c) the need to examine organizational infrastructure, and processes (governance), and d) a need for resources.
We engaged a facilitator, who has skillfully guided our work during the day and half meetings. An initial review of by- laws found eleven goals. A procedural examination indicated a shared interest in three (3) focus areas from eleven (11) stated goals in the original document:
- Maintain a group of experts and advocates for health and health policy issues, with an emphasis on underserved communities.
- Promote quality improvement in health services for underserved communities in the US and worldwide.
- Promote professional/social relationships and collaboration among its members.
These three goals guided the development of a strategic plan, utilizing a Logic Model to set metrics, that bolstered our strengths and addressed concerns. Retreat outcomes include, but not limited to: 1) updating our Bylaws and financial accounting, 2) publication of a quarterly newsletter, that highlight member achievements, post Opportunities, and has a Featured Member section, 3) development of health equity podcasts, 4) created a series of health equity podcasts (15+) in response to the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable people, 5) a 2-year focus for the annual health equity symposium, to give a deeper dive into the chosen subject matter, 6) an active research committee, focusing on adolescent health, 7) a working Logic Model, 8) a Speakers Bureau, 9) increased sponsorship, 10) a Reede Scholars Position Statement, 11) commitment to an annual Reede Scholars organizational meeting, 12) a scholarship program and annual charitable gifts, 13) quarterly virtual social hour with current Fellows, and 14) an amazing branding campaign which, once completed, will reflect our sophistication and intellectual prowess.
As a result of these planning retreats and adjacent activities of our members, The Reede Scholars has a tremendous opportunity to shape an organization of influence and change. Our next phase of re-building will generate a well-positioned group of influential leaders, positioned to influence the path to health equity across the U.S. We knew we could do more. We are now empowered with a framework and a plan to do more.
- Mary E. Fleming, MD, MPH, FACOG President